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Does anyone have any information on a Charles FLIPPENS born 10 Dec 1858 in Cumberland Co., VA on a William HOBSON's farm?  The information I have on his parents is that their names were Colonel Menver FLIPPENS and Mary AUSTIN.  Charles died 1943 in Mount Vernon, Westchester Co., NY.  He was active in the Church of God and Saints of Christ.  Among his children were Elizabeth Amelia (b. 1923, still living), Charles (1925-2004), James E. (still living), Simon (deceased) and Andrew (deceased.
I have been unable to verify his or his parents' record.  A rumor was that he was somehow related to a movie actor J. C. FLIPPEN.  Thanks for any help.
Charles Anthony Smith -- cas7856@aol.com
[NOTE by Nova:  According to the Flippin family history, Menville A. Flippen (1833-1917) lived in Cumberland Co., VA.  His first wife was Catherine E. Jeffries and one of their sons was a Charles Flippen, born circa 1860 in VA.  Menville's second wife was Martha Brown Hobson.  He served during the Civil War.  You will find this family in the online Flippin Families book (link found elsewhere in this website).  His parents were James Walton Flippen and Mary M. Hatcher.  Menville is the closest name I can find to your Menver Flippens.  You should be able to locate Charles on a 1860 Cumberland Co., VA census at age 0 to 2 years.]

I am looking for the parents of Merritt FLIPPIN, born c1790 VA, owning land in Mississippi in 1813 when he marries Mary PRESTRIDGE.  Mary, also known as Polly, came from the same area and her parents (have extensive information about them).  Other than the census in 1818, 1820, 1830 and 1840, I can only find Merritt in land records and the War of 1812.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  He hails from Virginia and there are lots of Flippin families there but I have been unable to locate a source of his family.  Thanks.
Catherine Nagy -- cathynagy@hughes.net

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This page was last updated on: 11 August, 2008